This is a comparison page for the PC-Engine CD-ROM and SNES versions of Dracula X. Snes9Xw was used for the SNES shots and Magic Engine was used for the PC-Engine shots. The movie files are of the PC-Engine version's "Technic" option that shows how to beat each of the bosses. While the game's share similarities in gameplay and specific parts of levels, they are basically two different games, with the PC-Engine title being much longer, and more detailed in storyline and level design. The SNES game has more colors though.

Comparison Shots:

Title Screen Level 1 Similarities
Level 1_2+, the end of all similarities
PC-Engine Movies: (3ivx Codec Required)

Special Sub-System Card Level (Divx)
Death - Intro
Were Wolf

These shots follow the order in which they occur on the PC-Engine version, the SNES shots are intermixed whenever the shot occured on the SNES. Almost all of the cutscenes were cut out of the SNES translation, and level similarities don't even go through the first level on the SNES game.

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