Game Pilgrimage
Fact MIJIN can best be explained as the section of Game Pilgrimage in which
nothing but documented facts exist. MIJIN originates from Revenge of Shinobi
on the Sega Genesis, and was a Ninja Magic that caused Musashi to turn to stone
and explode, destroying everything on the screen and taking one player life
away, a weapon of last resort.
Console History is the first on the list for a reason, it can be considered a Hub for the entire web page, and should be used as such.
Within Console History are the specs and facts on every Game Console released in the United States from 1985-2001. This page puts the specs,
final release lists and a couple of screenshots of each competing console of each generation against one another. Each generation also links
to relevant pages under Comparisons and Game Pictures for additional information.
The Notable Game Lists are the innovation of Game Pilgrimage, as they are the
only lists online of games recommended by gamers and reviewers for specific
gameplay related reasons. The purpose of the Game Lists is to demonstrate what
gamers owning each console were playing on a year by year basis, based on gameplay
merit alone. PS2 Tomfoolery chronicles the similarities and differences between
the PS2’s launch and pre-launch hype and compares them with the same for other
game consoles. EA (anti) Games documents the process by which EA is attempting
to monopolize their status in the Game Industry, and has endeavored to kill
innovation in various genres. Finally, Mass Media is a brief look into the double
standards of popular game media, demonstrating their bias towards the popular