Rage Racer - PS1

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Rage Racer (PS1 5/1997)

Load Times and Track 1

Comparison Movie:
Load times, AI and Racing Physics

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Load times and Track 1
Sega Touring Car Championship (Saturn 12/1997)


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Title and Demo
Load times and Country Circuit Prelims - Celica
Country Circuit - Celica
Country Circuit - Opel
Grunwalt Circuit - Opel
Country Circuit - Opel - Replay
Grunwalt Circuit - Opel - Replay

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Comparison Comments

Rage Racer and Sega Touring Car Championship run at similar resolutions, 320x240 and 356x224 respectively, but that is where the similarities end. The only reason this comparison was done is because these were top racers for their platforms in 1997. At a glance, most people will simply pronounce Rage Racer the winner in the graphical department. The presence of full screen dithering, the lack of comparable numbers of opponent vehicles on screen, and the general lack of AI or physics in Rage Racer all challenge its prowess in regard to Touring Car. Since Touring Car does not maintain its 30FPS throughout the game and because it is almost universally panned by Sega fans, it is unlikely that this comparison will change anybody's opinion of the two games.

As can be seen in the above video, Touring Car places eight cars on screen at once in comparison to Rage Racer's two, has a similar draw distance, much higher vehicle detail levels and runs at a much faster speed overall. In addition to that, Touring Car has a much more sophisticated vehicle physics engine and a much more dynamic view in 3rd person mode than Rage Racer does. Rage Racer's camera sticks so close to the rear or the car that you cannot see around the vehicle or around curves, and getting the vehicle to slide or interact with opponent cars in any way actually takes practice. Rage Racer's slide mechanic functions as though the vehicle had a wheel in its center that would allow the car to fish tail as though it had no traction in its four tires. Touring Car emphasizes power slides in a similar way to Sega Rally but with much more emphasis on realistic physics and sheer speed. Touring Car cannot be classified as a simulation in the vein of TOCA Race Car Driver but it does add significant speed and realism to Sega Rally’s physics engine that was no doubt hardware intensive.

Since this is not a review of either game it is only necessary to point out that Rage Racer has much more in the way of features than Touring Car has. While Touring Car allows the player to tweak how the cars drive, Rage Racer's credit system allows the player to upgrade the way the car drives and looks throughout the game. Despite its deficiencies in AI and Physics to other racers Rage Racer is thought to be a much better game on the merit of its menu options. Nevertheless this comparison between what is commonly thought to be one of the best PS1 racers and one of the worst Sega brand Saturn racers still leaves no evidence of the Saturn's deficiency at 3D gaming.

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