Bushido Blade - PS1

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Wait for the page to load completely, then use the links to jump from picture to picture. This page is best viewed at 1024x768 with a full screen window.

Warping - Polygon break up

Look at the tree, take a good look at where the knots in the tree bark are and how long they are, also watch the background behind the right character, you're looking for a diagonal black line.

1-2-3-4 // Warping - Polygon break up

Now, from this screen shot on, look at the amount of grass at the bottom of the screen, and the position and size of the characters.

1-2-3-4 // Warping - Polygon break up

Characters are the same size, the left character moves in, the camera moves ever so slightly forward, the line appears on the right and....

1-2-3-4 // Warping - Polygon break up

...and the tree texture begins to stretch up and down, and left and right for being to close to the screen.

1-2-3-4 // Warping - Polygon break up

This is level as it's supposed to appear, but start moving the camera by moving the characters around....

1-2 // Warping - Polygon break up

....and things start coming apart. It's only a frame or two per second, some frames look okay, others look like this:

1-2 // Warping - Polygon break up

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